

类别 摘要 发表日期 操作
会议 Jian Cao, Yijing Lu and Nengjun Zhu. "Service Package Recommendation for Mashup Development Based on a Multi-level Relational Network." in Proceedings of the International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC). Springer, 2016 pp. 666-674. (CCF-B) 2016-09-01 查看
会议 Nengjun Zhu and Jian Cao. "GTRM: A Top-N Recommendation Model for Smartphone Applications." in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS). IEEE, 2017, pp. 309-316. (CCF-B, Research paper) 2017-09-01 查看
会议 Nengjun Zhu, Jian Cao, and Yang Zhang. "An Adaptive k-NN Classifier for Medical Treatment Recommendation under Concept Drift." in Proceedings of CCF Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. Springer, 2018, pp. 546-556. 2018-09-01 查看
会议 Nengjun Zhu and Jian Cao. "CPL: A Combined Framework of Pointwise Prediction and Learning to Rank for top-N Recommendations with Implicit Feedback." in Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE). Springer, 2019. (CCF-C, Long paper) 2019-09-01 查看
期刊 Nengjun Zhu, Jian Cao, Xinjiang Lu, Qi Gu. "Leveraging pointwise prediction with learning to rank for top-N recommendation." World Wide Web. Springer US, 2020. vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 375-396. (CCF-B) 2020-09-01 查看
期刊 Nengjun Zhu, Jian Cao, Kunwei Shen, Xiaosong Chen, and Siji Zhu. "A Decision Support System with Intelligent Recommendation for Multi-Disciplinary Medical Treatment." ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM). ACM, 2020. vol. 16, no. 1s, 33, pp1-23 (CCF-B) 2020-09-01 查看
会议 Nengjun Zhu, Jian Cao. "Enhancing Cross-domain Recommendation through Preference Structure Information Sharing." in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS). IEEE, 2020. (CCF-B, Research paper) 2020-09-01 查看
会议 Zixuan Yuan, Hao Liu, Yanchi Liu, Denghui Zhang, Fei Yi, Nengjun Zhu, Hui Xiong. "Spatio-temporal dual graph attention network for query-poi matching." in Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR). ACM, 2020. (CCF-A, Research paper) 2020-09-01 查看
会议 Nengjun Zhu, Jian Cao, Yanchi Liu, Yang Yang, Haochao Ying, and Hui Xiong. "Sequential Modeling of Hierarchical User Intention and Preference for Next-item Recommendation." in Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM). ACM, 2020. pp807-815 (CCF-B, Research paper) 2020-09-01 查看
期刊 Yang Yang, Nengjun Zhu, Yifeng Wu, Jian Cao, Dechuan Zhan, and Hui Xiong. "A Semi-Supervised Attention Model for Identifying Authentic Sneakers." Big Data Mining and Analytics, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 29-40, IEEE, 2020. (中科院一区) 2020-09-01 查看
期刊 Nengjun Zhu, Jian Cao, Xinjiang Lu, Hui Xiong. "Learning a Hierarchical Intent Model for Next-Item Recommendation." ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS). 2021. vol. 40, no. 2, article 38, pp. 1-28, (CCF-A) 2021-09-01 查看
期刊 顾扬,曹健, 朱能军, 陈小松,沈坤炜. "多层次个性化临床路径的推荐方法." 计算机集成制造系统:1-18. 2021-12 2021-09-01 查看
会议 Zhengfei Shen, Jian Cao, Nengjun Zhu. "A New k-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm for Learning from Multiple Experts' Uncertain Decisions." in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). IEEE, 2021. 2021-09-01 查看
会议 Yang Gu, Jian Cao, Nengjun Zhu. "A Method of Multilevel Personalized Clinical Path Recommendation." in The Chinese Conference on Business Process Management (CBPM2021). 2021. 2021-09-01 查看
期刊 Haihua Shi, Jianjun Qian, Nengjun Zhu*, Tong Zhang, Zhen Cui, Qianliang Wu, Shanshan Feng. "RecNet: A Resource‐Constraint Aware Neural Network for Used Car Recommendation." International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. (2022)15:91 2022-09-01 查看